Chinese checker


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Two Board Game Classics in One: Play Ludo on one side of the board and Chinese Checkers on the other; Easy to learn games for 2 to 6 players; Fun to play with friends and family


How to play Chinese Checkers?

Chinese checkers is a game for two to six players. The winner is the first to move all their pieces across the board.
It can be played by two, three, four or six players. Obviously, for the six player game, all pegs and triangles are used. If there are four players, play starts in two pairs of opposing triangles and a two player game should also be played from opposing triangles. In a three player game the pegs will start in three triangles equidistant from each other.
Each player chooses a color and the 10 pegs of that color are placed in the appropriately coloured triangle. The idea is to move your pieces to the opposite triangle.

How to play Flying Chess?

First, you choose the color you like from these four.
Then we need throw the dice one by one, and the order is red, yellow, green and blue.
When you got 6, your plane can leave from the base, since you get the six you have one more chance to use the dice, If this time you got the points less than 5, move the step what you got the points,then give the dice to the next person.
If next time you still get 6, you have 2 choices, first let your another plane go out, then throw the dice again, second you can move the original one by 6 steps, then throw the dice again.
When you catch up with others’ plane, you can attack it, then it will be destroyed and be put into the base again until others got 6 points.
If another player have 2 planes there, you just can destroy one, then your own plane will be destroyed as well, so both of you need to put the plane into the base.
Anyone who lets all the planes go the target first is the winner.

The Chinese Checkers and Ludo  Game Set is easy and fun to use. Up to six players can play simultaneously, making this a great classic game for family gatherings and parties

Additional information

Weight.580 kg
Dimensions30 × 30 cm


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